Today's youth is useless. This is one of the most offending statements that I've heard from the mouths of many elders. I wish to claim here like other great men that today's youth are used less and not useless. Swami Vivekananda would say, "Give me 100 energetic young men and I shall transform India." IU (Inspiration Unlimited) was born with the same vision to transform the world and that is where, we also needed youth to take part in this auspicious crime. It was May 18th, when we officially launched IU1010, wherein we chose 10 mad and crazy people from different parts of Bangalore to build leaders in them. Through a journey of 8 challenging weeks of tasks and lessons, IU team was successful in moulding these young leaders for our society who astonished the Bangalore crowd on July 14th.
Aditi, Anusha, Harikiran, Harshitha, Nikhil, Pavada, Spoorthi and Vishwesh were the youngsters from Bangalore who organized a massive conference on the topic, 'Being Entrepreneurial' for a gathering of close to 150 Bangaloreans. I was glad to be one of the speakers on the list who was invited along with Mr. Bharath GC, Mr. Anil Kumar KN and Mr. Sujit Lalwani. The conference happened on July 14th afternoon, from 2:30pm up to 7:30pm in Telugu Vijnana Samithi auditorium and was indeed highly inspiring.
Spoorthi and Harshitha were the two young ladies who shouldered the responsibility of compering the entire event. These 8 young STARs were the reason for close to 150 people to learn about entrepreneurship. Right from booking the hall to winding up after the event, every part of this mega event was taken care by these 8 inspiring individuals. The event kicked off with inspirational videos followed by an energetic introduction by Mr. Bharath GC. Then the stage was taken over by Harshitha and Spoorthi, who introduced the concept of entrepreneurship. I was glad to be invited as the first speaker and I spoke about the 'E' of 'Entrepreneurship' and that 'E' symbolizes 'EXPLORING'. I explained about how exploring every talent, skill and opportunity can make one entrepreneurial in life.
The next person to rock the stage with his technical bent of mind was Mr. Anil Kumar KN, who introduced the requirement of energy and enthusiasm for one to be entrepreneurial. He was followed by none other than the One Young World Ambassador from India, Mr. Sujit Lalwani who shared his entrepreneurial journey and showed how he had made it so big in life at such a young age. The climax was the feast of the entire event. It was all worth listening to the first 4 hours because the last hour held the proof of all that was spoken during the initial 80% of the conference. The time had come to know and witness about how ordinary students in their graduation had gone on to transform their lives in just a matter of 8 weeks and had impacted 5 lakh lives. The last hour ignited tears of happiness in the eyes of parents of these 8 powerful young souls. Each of the IU1010 candidate was invited on stage to share his/her experience in IU1010.

The first person called upon the stage was Spoorthi who shared about how hopeless she had felt just 8 weeks back and today how she stood as the hope for many and about her project on dignity of labour. She was followed by Aditi who filled her speech with her attitude of gratitude to her mentors and shared about her project of 'Help Women Lead'. Then came in Harikiran who shared his dream of becoming the youngest Chief Minister of Karnataka. Then came in the ever smiling Harshitha who blew away the audience with her powerful words. She was followed by Pavada who showed that language can be no barrier to become a leader. He was followed by Vishwesh who shared his dream of owning a Hayabusa by his own earning in the next one year. Then, we had Anusha who showed that she could be an inspiration to thousands of students even though God had taken away her parents from her. Finally, came on the stage the Indian indoor cricket team player, Nikhil Kanchan who rocked the stage with his words. These 8 young leaders were the superstars of July 14th and will remain for times to come to stand as live examples of what youth can do and how they can change the country.
Last but not the least, I cannot forget the people from the audience who jumped onto the stage to share their feedback. One person also shared about how his friend had survived cancer by watching inspirational videos of Sujit Lalwani sir online. This was the cherry on the cake for the entire event. I wish and pray to God to bless all of us and keep blessing to repeat such success stories again and again.