Two words form two different phrases with just an extra apostrophe and a 's' and the meaning of both the phrases are exactly contrary to one another. English language gives this power to play with words and the author of this quote has just used it to the perfect extent. This is a quote from the book 'Life Simplified!' written by Sujit Lalwani who is a worldwide reknowned inspirational speaker cum entrepreneur. As I was going through this book, this particular quote struck me and I wanted to bring out the deep meaning of this quote into light to all my dear readers and hence am blogging about it.

The decision that shall churn out of all the mixed emotions and feelings will depend on our past experiences, intuitions, beliefs and principles of our life. We might just consider it as any other decision and move ahead but each of these decisions mould our attitude towards life. Hence it becomes of utmost importance to have made the right decision whether t0 go ahead despite all uncertainties and fears or to let go off the chance or the dream due to uncertainties and fears. You are always welcome to share your perceptions on
To book your copy of 'Life Simplified!' visit
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