Yet another powerful quote spills out from the book 'Life Simplified!' to spread into a blog. Hats off! to the author Sujit Lalwani who is not just a blogger or just a speaker or an author but also a mentor to many. This fabulous quote stating how even a comforting word can become a command while a command itself might put someone into commotion just summarises the working of the world. This quote aptly provides the reason why people listen to only some leaders.

Now coming to the side of issuing command, you shall be received with your suggestions and opinions only if you are a person who has worked and proved that your suggestions and opinions have practically worked and yielded results else you can be damn sure that people will definitely listen to your orders but shall execute none because they haven't seen you reaping the benefits of your own advices. I don't command, I just ask for a friendly feedback from you on
Book your copy of 'Life Simplified!' right now and enjoy reading on
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