As I write this 300th blog of mine, I regret those times of laziness and ignorance when I gave up on writing a blog a day. On March 4th,2012 I had decided that I would write a blog a day. I was consistent for some period of time and then sometimes I used to miss out on blogging due to various reasons. Some were genuine while some were not. I confess that I made mistakes and lost much of the time. 'To err is human' is what I have repeated many a times in my blogs. At the same time it's the responsibility of the same man to make up for all that is lost. Hence as I complete three centuries of blogs, I take up this challenge of completing 365 blogs by March 3rd,2013 midnight 12:00am.

Exactly 10 days to go before I touch March 3rd, 2013 by when I dream and aim to be the owner of 365 blogs. That shall make up for all those days that I lost by not blogging and make sure that I maintain a run rate of 'a blog a day'. I take up one more target at the same time. My blog has crossed 18000 views as of now. I would love to see it crossing 20000 views by March 3rd by when I accomplish my real goal of 'A BLOG A DAY' which I took up exactly 1 year ago. All these shall not be possible without the constant support and encouragement of my dear readers. Hence I ask for each one of my readers' wishes and blessings to help me accomplish what I aim for. You can pour in your wishes on
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