Financial crunch is the best time to teach the value of each and every pie left in your pocket. Unfortunately today's generation has been cursed from understanding the value of each pie courtesy the pampering parents who want to provide the best life for their children. I remember this famous incident which repeated in two entirely different places. When a small kid of age around 14 was asked as to what would he do if he got hundred rupees from his father, he replied that he would party with his friends. When asked what would he do with the same hundred rupees if he earned it from his own efforts, he replied instantly that he would save it.

The lavish lifestyle shown on movies and the company of few rich brats have unfortunately spoilt the young minds who fail to recognise the value of each hard-earned pie of their parents. Some children take it for granted that parents are there only to spend on them and suffer due to this mindset when they grow up. IS THERE A SOLUTION FOR THIS?
Definitely YES!!!!!!!!!!! watch out for my next blog. Till then keep writing to me on
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