Imagine a battle of the times when there were no guns and bombs. People used to fight with metallic weapons such as swords and chains. Sword fight is one of the famous duel between two opponents. If a warrior is already hurt with a hundred wounds on his body, it's quite difficult for him to continue the battle but if he has just one sword in his hand still he can definitely continue the fight such that the wounds are no more hurt and get enough time to recover by the time he keeps fighting and defending himself and continues the battle.

Well! It doesn't mean that you can walk away just like that with one strength. The warrior while defending himself with the sword also makes sure to medicate the wounds and become perfectly fine. Likewise it's our duty to work on our flaws and try achieving the perfection of flawlessness how much ever impossible and distant it might sound. Remember to keep strengthening your strength by exercising it as often as possible and simultaneously keep working on your flaws as well. No wonder that I ask you for your feedback once again on
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