One more speech and this time it happened at Krupanidhi School of Management. It was April 1st, popularly known as the Fool's day, 2 young gentlemen from Inspiration Unlimited were invited by Krupanidhi School of Management(KSM) to address around 150 MBA students studying in their 1st year of MBA. The first man was Mr. Sujit Lalwani and the second lucky guy was me. The surprise was that both of us had no MBA degree attached to our names.
It was pretty long drive from the centre of Bangalore to reach KSM but somehow we made it but the students had to wait for about 60 minutes until we reached as we had lost the route on our way. It was about 12:30pm by the time we reached the college and the dean of KSM, Mr. Rahul Sharma escorted us into the auditorium filled with students with their blazers on citing that they were real MBA students. It was a very warm welcome extended by Ms. Patricia to begin the session. Sujit Lalwani sir took over the stage and with his never ending charm began engaging the audience in the talk of their life. He could make them realise that their choice of MBA shouldn't be just of a degree but a dream of their future life. He asked the students if they could be a part of a IUY2C campaign and when good number of hands went up, he took 5 minutes to find out the volunteers, plan the campaign, decide the deadline and assign the roles and proved that MBA could be learned in these 5 minutes.
Then Mr. Sujit Lalwani
continued talking about how few minutes of a day when used productively can help students mould their life. He explained about how grabbing every opportunity can make one go a long way ahead in life and shared some of his achievements at the national and international levels. I was glad that even I got a chance to address these set of MBA students. When I went on the stage I shared some of my experiences of my past about how otherwise advices of others can spoil our opportunities in life. I stressed on the point of making leadership a daily process and shared the example of my blogging with them. It was awesome to see that these students endorsed our points and vowed to create a difference in the world.
All regards and thanks to Mr. Rahul Sharma and the management of KSM for arranging this talk and joining hands with IU to spread inspiration among 150 more students.
Congratulations Mohan ji and Sujit ji... That few hours would have definitely brought a sense of positive change in there life.