In earlier days when the Gurukul system of education existed
in India, children from the kingdom used to go to a forest area where a school
was established by a Guru (Teacher). This school was called as 'Gurukul' in
Sanskrit. The children used to reside in this place for a decade to learn from
the Guru. Among such students, there would be a group of students who learnt
when taught only once. There was another group which learnt when taught twice
and there was another group which learnt when taught thrice. Based on the
number of repetitions a student would take to learn a lesson, there were
different groups of students made and the lessons were taught accordingly.
Learning was the same but the method was different for different sets of

While one is battling through different modes of knowledge
transfer to choose the right one, a student or a teacher might get into
conflict while choosing the right method. A method which looks lucrative might
not be practically implementable for a certain student. But the feelings attached
cannot be erased until the wrong implementation is proved. So people must be
ready to face bitter consequences too while exploring and experimenting with
different modes of learning and teaching. At the end of the day, what's
important is, learning the lesson. If the right lessons aren't passed between
the mentor and the mentee then not just one person is at fault, it's the
relation which is at fault by default.
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