Every endeavour that man has ever taken up has been with a
purpose. There has been a problem statement and the answer to the question of
why to solve the problem has given rise to a planned activity. A very simple
example for this is our education system. People enroll their kids into schools
because they want their children to be educated so that children are aware
about things around them and eligible to use this knowledge to create a
sustainable livelihood. After some time the focus goes more on marks on paper
than the education that the kid has embodied. That's where parents need to
realign their vision to educate their kids than merely seeing them as
marks-vending machines. When you get off-track with any of your activities and
you aren't having fun doing it, then ask yourself as to why you started it and
realign with your original vision.

No matter what, at the end of the day, we are all humans,
and not Gods. We need to brush every day and we need to take bath everyday to
make sure that we are physically clean and neat. Similarly, we need to give
some time on a regular basis to maintain our visions and dreams clean and to
realign along with them. There is too much of information dirt that keeps
floating in the air around us that sits on our positive thoughts of life and
blinds us from remembering our visions. We need to get them back each time we
tend to forget them. Revision is as compulsory to a dreamer as it is to a
student who wishes to score in his exams. A student's dream is limited to a
dream of marks but a dreamer's visions are as unlimited as the width of the sky.
Go back and realign with your visions of and for life.
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