A stone is thrown at a mango which is high upon the tree top not at the pumpkin sitting on the ground. Even people want to conquer climbing big mountains not the valleys down. Its been in the human psychology to either conquer bigger achievements or blame them if they can't. In the first case I would salute those people who would dedicate themselves to achieve every great thing that they possibly can but today I would like to throw some light on the second type of people. There is also a special reason behind this blog. Today most of them are afraid to become popular, famous, big, great, the best because of the surroundings that they are surrounded with.

Due to all these reasons, most of the upcoming youth are really having an aversion towards famous people because the moment they keep one as an idol a gossip breaks out and they lose the respect. With recurring cases of such types they tend to feel that being famous you are targeted for every small thing that you do which keeps them away from even thinking of doing something big and growing big. The moment anyone takes up an initiative to create something great there are hundred fingers to point out and laugh at that person. This is the reason that people have lost faith and hope on doing great things itself rather than even thinking about getting famous. Remember one strong lesson which will be the solution for this entire blog and that is "Kya kahenge log, sabse bada rog" which means "If you're thinking about what people will talk about you then that is the biggest disease". Just don't care about what others have to say, decide what you want to do and give your best efforts efforts to achieve it.
Please share your feedback on is.mohanbn@gmail.com
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