Today I was watching the movie 'Karate Kid' in which one of my favourite actors Jackie Chan has played the role of a KungFu master. In the movie he trains Will Smith's son everyday on KungFu and after a long stretch he tells him that he will have a day off to have fun because too much of training is bad. Probably the reason I was watching the movie was also the same. I had taken a day off my regular routine activities to just be free of all work. Probably I even made my mind free of any thoughts of work. Probably this is what the inspirational speaker Sujit Lalwani defines as the break point in his break point theory.

Probably I could give a day off for me from my work but I was wondering why I wanted to blog irrespective of the self-declared day off. Then is when I realised that ABAD{A Blog A Day} was a promise that I had made to myself and more than that I had declared it public that I would be following it no matter what. As Rajnikanth once said that you can create and change the will(legal document) but never change what you have spoken on a stage in front of people, may be my declaration of following ABAD held me strong to come back to blog even on a day off. Probably this is the reason that some of the most successful people declare what they will accomplish amidst the public and use it as a subconscious reinforcement to achieve it and achieve it for sure irrespective of any kind of obstacles in the journey. Might be this is the reason that leaders can work for long periods of time without breaks as they are always with people taking up commitments and working hard to fulfill them. So I would advise even you to declare whatever you want to follow and achieve publicly so that you can enjoy the benefits of it.
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