"Being Transparent" could also have been the title of this blog. Can your thoughts, words and actions be in sync always? In the normal world there is world of a difference between what we think, what we talk and what we do. Why does this happen is the question of this context? Is it really that difficult or problematic to speak out what you are literally feeling!

There are lot of barriers in the world of feelings and emotions that bind us in such a way that we cant even breathe through the knots. Your heart craves to have a mercedes but the brain stops you from expressing the wish as it knows the practicality. Your intellect understands the high calibre of your colleague but your ego stops from appreciating that. Your soul cries out of pain when you come across a mishappening but your pride of being a MAN stops you from shedding those tears which inturn fill up a tsunami inside you. Your friendship calls you to call your friend the fourth time but your self-respect stops you from even picking up the phone. The child inside you wants to play with the kids on the street doing hip-hop but the adolescence on top of you forbids the same. You want to hug your friend during the most sensitive situation but the question 'what will others think of you?' keeps you both apart.
I have tried to portray some of the fightings of feelings inside us in this blog. Please let me know if you also fight day and night through this war of life on is.mohanbn@gmail.com
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