It was around 2.5 years back when I joined a MNC(Multi-National Company) as a fresher, everything was new. The cubicles, big board rooms, pantry, conference halls etc which were not in our college were all neatly furnished and clean. Not much of noise, completely air-conditioned and most of the people in formal clothes. A strange feeling yet some kind of apprenhension ran through the veins. I would love to share all my learnings of this fresher employee phase with you in this blog.
Generally at the beginning, the first 2-3 days are dedicated to orientation programmes where you will be let known about the company policies, your bank salary account details and the different provisions provided by the company. Make sure you write down all the details, the website links, contact numbers that are spoken during these sessions. This might be boring enough but its very important at a later point of time. You would be signing lot of autographs on different forms and documents, so please read the content of these without fail and understand them well before you sign.

Coming to the monetary part, make sure you understand every component of your salary. What are gross and net incomes? what are allowances? everything mentioned in you payslip. If not request a meeting with your HR representative to learn about these. Also start off your investments right from the time of you first month salary. Investments safeguard your future as well as save the tax money of the present. Catch up for some coffee time with you father or uncles or seniors to learn about what kind of investments to go in for tax exemption and make the necessary ones ASAP. Store all these official documents in a safe place. Keep an eye on all the mails that you receive and consult your manager for any kind of trainings available for freshers and take them as early as possible.
I feel the above guidelines should help you build quite a good career as a fresher. For more information you can definitely contact me on
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