No beating around the bush, let me come straight to the point. Care for those who care for you. This world is filled up with seven hundred crore plus population but the world that belongs to you will be of those people who care for you only. I am not against any kind of service that should be contributed towards the society irrespective of whether we get returns out of it or not. It must be done. When the word service comes, immediately you can be very sure that you can't expect anything from the other side. Be prepared for this at the beginning itself. But when it comes to expectations between people who surround us everyday be very cautious enough to know as to how much to expect out of whom.

But the cruel truth is that not all people on the earth are the same as you my dear reader. World is filled with all types of people. Some who just want to take advantage of your genuinity, some who can't tolerate your happiness quotient, some who can't see you being appreciated, some who take pleasure in just hurting you and so on. Just remember one thing - "When people falter your expectations continuously, just know that they are not going to last for long in your life". This was a learning passed on by a business giant to his relative who shared it with my mentor who taught me the same. So remember friends, whenever you are caring for someone other than the family and the best friends, be aware about how much is given back also. There's no point in showering your entire care on someone who doesn't know the value of it. Your caring for a non-deserving person is your denial of care for a more deserving person. Use your care with extreme care.
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