Smt.Radha.V.Kale explained that waste is something which is a mismanaged and misused material. Wet waste doesn't give a stinking smell when sufficient oxygen is allowed. The stinking smell is due to the reduction process only. Aerobic composture is aslways good using earthworms. 1000 earthworms can do a job that can be done by a pair of oxen. She exlpained about vermicompost. There are about 3000 species of earthworms in the whole world, while there are 300 plus species in India only. She advised about 3Is and 3Vs to the students which are 3Is- Interest, Involvement, Induction and 3vs-Vision, Venture and Victories. She also showed a video about a physically handicapped farmer who got to know about preparing compost in his farm through ITC and how he had benefitted from the same. Shoba mam from Mount Carmel College assisted during this presentation.

It was time for IU - Inspiration Unlimited to take the stage and I was all set to emblaze the crowd with the IUism unlimted energy and IUnewspaperbag project. Let's see the IU episode in the next post.
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